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About the Association

The Personal Services Contractor Association strives to advocate for and provide support to the hundreds of U.S. personal services contractors (USPSCs) that work tirelessly to advance sustainable development worldwide on behalf of USAID. The PSC Association fulfills this purpose by presenting views and advocating recommendations on employment, workplace, and morale issues affecting USPSCs in Washington and overseas. The PSC Association operates under the principle that USPSC employees should be extended the same benefits, entitlements, authorities, responsibilities, and limitations as those extended to direct hire employees, unless restricted by law or external (non-USAID) Federal regulation. All USPSCs at USAID are automatically members of the Association, which is managed by a committee of up to seven members elected to one-year terms.

Article I – Name and Location 

The name of the organization is the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Personal Services Contractor Association, hereinafter known as the PSC Association.  It is located in Washington, DC and wherever current or former USAID staff reside around the globe. 


Article II – Purpose and Objective 


The purpose of the PSC Association is to promote the well‐being and contributions of current and former U.S. personal services contractor (USPSC) employees to the mission of USAID.  The PSC Association shall fulfill this purpose by presenting views and advocating recommendations on employment, workplace, and morale issues affecting past and present USPSCs in Washington (USAID/W) and overseas, as it pertains to their work and treatment when serving as active USPSCs.  The PSC Association shall operate under the principle that USPSC employees should be extended the same benefits, entitlements, authorities, responsibilities, and limitations as those extended to direct hire employees, unless restricted by law or external (non‐USAID) Federal regulation.    


Article III – Organization 


The administrative activities of the PSC Association are carried out by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, and any permanent or special committees established by the Executive Committee.  The General Assembly is comprised of the total membership of the PSC Association.  The Executive Committee is comprised of up to seven members, who  self-organize per the needs of the organization at the present time. 


A. The General Assembly is the principal governing body of the PSC Association.  It approves, by a simple majority vote of those participating, all policies related to the purpose and objectives and to the administration of the PSC Association. In light of the global distribution of USPSCs, meetings of the General Assembly, either real or virtual, are infeasible. Therefore, General Assembly actions will take place using e‐mail and web‐based voting. Actions may be sent to the General Assembly for consideration in any of the following circumstances:


  1. Annually to members of the Executive Committee; 

  2. At the request of at least three members of the Executive Committee; 

  3. At the request of five or more general members of the PSC Association, including at least one member of the Executive Committee. 


A valid ballot of the General Assembly is the simple majority of the votes received, including null votes. All General Assembly ballots will be open for voting for not less than seven calendar days. Emergency General Assembly ballots may be issued with a shortened voter response window at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


B. The Executive Committee (1) formulates and proposes the policies for the approval of the General Assembly; (2) develops procedures to implement and enforce General Assembly policies and carries out programmed operations in accordance with said procedures; and (3) keeps the General Assembly advised of the procedures developed to implement approved policies and informed of the results of all activities carried out in accordance with said policies and procedures. 


The Executive Committee shall meet not less than once per quarter, barring exigent circumstances. Given the global distribution of Executive Committee members, meetings shall take place by teleconference and shall be open to any active member wishing to participate.   Any two members of the Executive Committee may call for a special meeting not less than one day before the chosen date. 


The Executive Committee shall operate on the basis of consensus wherever possible. If necessary, the Executive Committee decisions may be brought to a vote. In such cases, a simple majority of all Executive Committee members shall determine the outcome.


C. Permanent Committees are established by the Executive Committee to carry out the activities of permanent functions. The members of Permanent Committees are selected from volunteer members and/or designated by the Executive Committee. 


D. Special Committees necessary to satisfy sudden and/or temporary needs are established by the Executive Committee. 


Article IV – Executive Committee Officers 


The Executive Committee officers elected annually by the General Assembly consist of a group not to exceed seven individuals who have served as a PSC for at least one year. At any given time at least two members should be either residing overseas or have at least one year of experience serving as an overseas PSC, including through accrued Tour on Duty experience. 


The term of office for each elected officer shall be one (1) year.  Vacancies are filled at the recommendation of the Executive Committee to the General Assembly for its approval not later than two weeks after they occur.  


Removal of officers is made by the General Assembly at the recommendation of the Executive Committee and with the written support of at least ten (10) general members. Grounds for removal are any actions found by the Executive Committee to be contrary to the purpose and objective of the PSC Association. 


Honorary Executive Committee membership is granted by the Executive Committee to individuals selected by the PSC Association in recognition of their support of the PSC Association’s purpose and objectives.  Honorary Executive Committee members do not vote and do not count as one of the seven elected officers.  The elected Executive Committee can appoint Honorary members by consensus, with notice to the General Assembly.  


Article V – Membership 


Active membership in the PSC Association shall be open to anyone who served any duration of time as a USPSC since 2010. Membership becomes effective upon notification to the Executive Committee; with prior automatic membership granted to any USAID staff person who was an active USPSC as of 31 January 2025, without the notification requirement. 


Expanded membership eligibility to include all active USPSCs as of 31 January 2025 and any USAID staff who served as a USPSC since 2010, provided they notify the Executive Committee of their intent to join.


General membership 


Article VI – Amendments Proposals for amendments to this Charter shall be submitted in writing to the General Assembly through the Executive Committee and may be initiated by any of the following:


  1. The Executive Committee, or 

  2. A group of not less than 100 USPSCs from the association’s general membership. A simple majority vote of the active General Assembly membership shall be required to amend this Charter. 


Article VII – Finances 

No dues shall be charged for membership in the PSC Association, but voluntary contributions to offset expenses incurred will be accepted according to procedures and reporting as established by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will report no less than annually to the General Assembly an account of funds received and expended.

Disclaimer: The PSC Association was formed as a registered Employee Resource Group at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). It is currently operating outside the auspices of USAID and without the use of USAID resources. The content of this website is not endorsed by and does not represent the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.

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